How Teeth Grinding Can Affect Your Dentures

jaw clenching with dentures, how to stop grinding your dentures, bruxism and dentures

How Teeth Grinding Can Affect Your Dentures

If you chronically clench your jaw to the point of grinding your teeth, you may have a condition known as bruxism. Some people are affected throughout the day, and others grind during the night. Bruxism is a common condition, but it should never be overlooked. It can lead to headaches, chips or cracks in your dentures, and faster bone resorption rates

Although dentures won’t wear down the same way that natural teeth do, bruxism is still a serious issue for denture-wearers, as it affects the health of the jaw and gums. However, taking your dentures out at night won’t stop you from clenching or grinding your jaw. If you wear dentures and also suffer from bruxism, here’s what you can do about it.

How Does Bruxism Affect Dentures?

Bruxism causes excess pressure on your gums and on the bone ridges underneath them, warping the shape of your jaw. It could lead to faster bone resorption, which alters the shape of your face as well. When bruxism changes the structure of your jaw, your dentures won’t fit properly, putting your jaw and mouth muscles out of balance. People prone to bruxism could need to replace their dentures more often because of this.

Three Causes of Jaw Clenching with Dentures 

1: Your dentures don’t fit properly.

If your dentures are causing you pain, they might need to be adjusted or replaced. Removable dentures should last around ten years. But as they reach the end of their lifespan, you might begin to experience jaw pain from a poor fit, which could lead to clenching. Visiting your dentist to get a new set will relieve your pain and help you stop clenching your jaw. 

2: The dentures are new.

If you just got dentures, it will take some time to get adjusted to wearing them. Temporary discomfort is typical when you first get your dentures. Your mouth, lips, and cheek muscles will need time to adjust to wearing them. However, if your discomfort has lasted longer than two weeks, you should contact your dentist.  

3: You’re under extreme stress.

Stress, pain, and frustration can all lead to the sudden onset of bruxism. Even if you’ve never suffered from bruxism in the past, clenching or grinding your jaw can be an unconscious response to stress or pain. 

How to Stop Grinding Your Dentures

  • Wear a night guard. 

Your dentures should never cause you pain. In fact, they are supposed to fit comfortably. If you’re taking good care of your dentures and cleaning them properly, but you’re still experiencing discomfort, you might be clenching your jaw while you sleep. Even people with dentures can wear night guards—we can fit you with a custom dental night guard to prevent bruxism and relieve your pain. 

  • Find a way to improve your health by reducing stress.

Easier said than done, for sure. When it comes to stress reduction, different things will work for different folks. Don’t force something to fit if it’s not bringing you peace. Stress and inflammation are closely linked, and seniors are more prone to high levels of stress. Some popular remedies for stress reduction in older adults are gentle body movements like qigong or swimming, engaging in therapy, practicing meditation, and pampering their bodies with quality food and sleep. 

  • Talk to your dentist!

The best tips you’ll get on how to stop grinding your dentures will be from your dentist. They understand your mouth, and can help you figure out what is causing your bruxism. They can make a personalized treatment plan that will help you manage your symptoms or even eliminate the problem altogether. 

Bruxism and Dentures Don’t Mix—If You’re in Pain, We Can Help

If you’re experiencing pain from grinding your teeth at night, Dr. Saba and Associates can help. We specialize in providing durable, custom-fit, removable dentures that look just like natural teeth. If you need to replace your old, ill-fitting dentures, we can do that as well. You should never have to suffer pain from your dentures—contact us to request an appointment today!



Photo by Gerd Altmann  | from Pixabay on 5.6.24 | used under the creative commons license for commercial use 5/10/24.