Bondings & Fillings

What Are Cosmetic Fillings?

Have you been reluctant to smile because of a chipped tooth or a gap in your teeth? There’s no need to worry! At Dr. Saba and Associates we understand how these things can affect your self-esteem and we’re here to help. 


Cosmetic fillings, also known as cosmetic bonding, can repair decayed, cracked, or fractured teeth. Unlike amalgam fillings, which are silver in color, cosmetic fillings are a resin that matches your tooth color to achieve a natural-looking smile.


Cosmetic bonding can relieve you of tooth sensitivity and give you a reason to smile again. Cosmetic fillings don’t require anesthesia unless a tooth is cracked and part of the nerve is exposed. Dr. Romanin and Dr. Saba take great care to make sure you understand the procedure and will answer any questions. They’ve served the Sun Lakes community together since 1991.

Who Is Eligible for Cosmetic Bonding and Fillings?

Cosmetic bonding has a long history, and made its first appearance back in 1949! Since then, there have been great advances in perfecting the technique. Dr. Romanin and Dr. Saba regularly attend dental seminars to stay well informed of all new methods.


The first step in the cosmetic bonding process is to have a consultation to determine the extent of the repair and the color of your fillings. Keep in mind that this procedure is not intended to whiten your teeth, but to repair them by matching their natural color.


Our dentists will then create a rough surface on your tooth and apply a bonding agent so that the filling will mold to the tooth to repair it. Next, we will use an ultraviolet light to help the resin dry and give a natural-looking finish. With your new cosmetic fillings, you’ll be able to chew, talk and smile confidently, without having to worry about any tooth pain.


Smile Again in Sun Lakes, Arizona

If a tooth is causing you pain, we recommend that you visit us for a consultation as soon as you can. If cracked or broken teeth are left untreated, you can experience increased tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, and even tooth loss. 


Visit Dr. Saba and Associates to get affordable cosmetic fillings and repair your damaged teeth. Dr. Romanin and Dr. Saba would be glad to meet you so you can keep brightening the Sun Lakes community with your smile!

If you have questions about Bondings or Fillings in Sun Lakes, please call now at (480) 895-2111.

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