How to Get Relief from Sensitive Teeth

sensitive teeth relief, sudden tooth sensitivity, how to get rid of tooth sensitivity

How to Get Relief from Sensitive Teeth

Finding fast relief is important to anyone suffering from tooth pain or tooth sensitivity. Having an ache in your jaw, gums, or teeth can be a constant distraction. Pain makes us irritable, less focused, and—even more importantly—it’s a signal that our bodies need some extra attention and care. Occasional tooth sensitivity is common, so let’s explore some safe ways you can get relief.

How to Get Rid of Tooth Sensitivity

Hot and cold foods often trigger a reaction in sensitive teeth. Sugary, acidic, and spicy foods can do the same. Tooth sensitivity feels like a sharp, sudden pain that shoots deep into the nerves of the teeth. It can even radiate through the jaw in extreme cases. The pain might go away on its own, and sometimes it can be managed with a little extra care.  

1: Switch to a soft bristle toothbrush and desensitizing toothpaste.

Vigorous brushing can wear away the protective enamel coating on your teeth. A soft toothbrush will help combat a heavy hand and make daily brushing and flossing more effective. Toothpaste with fluoride can also be effective at reducing minor tooth sensitivity if it’s used consistently.

2: Limit acidic foods and drinks that can wear down tooth enamel.

Frequent consumption of acidic or sweet beverages and foods will erode your tooth enamel over time. Energy drinks, candy, soda, fruit juice, and sugary iced lattes are the obvious culprits. And you might not realize that many ordinary foods—like coffee, grapefruit, and tomatoes—can also harm your enamel. Be mindful of how often you eat acidic and sugary items and drink water afterwards to help protect your teeth. 

3: Wear a night guard if you grind your teeth.

Clenching or grinding your teeth is called bruxism. Some people are unaware they’re doing this, as it often happens while they’re asleep. Stress is the main cause of this condition, however, it can be caused by a misaligned bite or even excessive amounts of alcohol or caffeine. If you’re noticing a tight jaw or pain in your teeth when you wake up, you could benefit from wearing a night guard to protect your mouth and lessen your tooth sensitivity.

4. Get chips and cracks repaired.

Chips and small cracks can make our teeth very sensitive, even to cold air. This problem is sometimes addressed through dental bonding. The process is quick and provides results that can last for years. It involves creating a rough surface on your tooth and applying a composite of resin to the surface of the tooth. You’re left with a natural-looking and cosmetically appealing smile, and without any tooth sensitivity.

Treatment for Tooth Sensitivity

Dental bonding has been around for decades, and its use is popular for repairing minor cracks and chips or protecting exposed tooth roots. Dental bonding is excellent at fixing minor cosmetic problems, but it’s not a suitable solution for more extreme cases. Significantly cracked teeth and teeth with large chips will require other methods to restore the tooth structure. 

If you have sensitive teeth, schedule a consultation with Dr. Saba and Associates to determine if dental bonding could help treat your tooth sensitivity. If you’re a good candidate for the procedure, you’ll be able to find lasting relief. And you’ll be able to chew, talk, and smile confidently, without having to worry about any tooth pain. 

Sudden Tooth Sensitivity? Make an Appointment Today

If tooth sensitivity is something that you’ve experienced out of the blue, you should talk to a dentist. Cavities, gum recession, tooth decay, enamel erosion, and cracks can all cause sudden pain. If you’re experiencing symptoms of tooth sensitivity, please don’t hesitate to reach out, as it could be a sign of a serious problem. 

Dr. Saba and Associates will expertly diagnose the cause of your tooth sensitivity and provide comprehensive relief. If you’re experiencing any kind of tooth pain, call our office at 480-895-2111 to schedule an appointment. 




photo from Pixabay on 4.11.24 | by sammy-sander | used under the creative commons license