The Best and Worst Snacks for Dry Mouth

worst/best snacks for dry mouth, foods that help dry mouth, best drink for dry mouth, foods to avoid if you have dry mouth

The Best and Worst Snacks for Dry Mouth

Many people suffer from dry mouth, and it can be for a number of reasons. It could be from allergies or mild dehydration from not drinking enough water. Dry mouth is also a side effect of many common medications, including cold and flu remedies. 

But no matter the cause, having a dry mouth is bad for your dental health. Your saliva naturally neutralizes acids and washes away food particles. However, if you have dry mouth, you won’t have enough saliva to perform these important functions. Plaque builds up much more quickly in a dry mouth, increasing your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

For those who struggle with dry mouth on a regular basis, it’s important to avoid things like smoking and vaping that will make the problem worse. But what about the things you eat and drink? Are there foods that help dry mouth? Are there any foods you should avoid? We take a look at the best and worst snacks for dry mouth below.

Foods to Avoid If You Have Dry Mouth

Salty Foods 

Because salt absorbs water, salty snacks can draw moisture from tissues in your mouth. Salty snacks like chips and pretzels actively dry out your mouth. They can be difficult to eat, because your mouth isn’t producing enough saliva to make swallowing easy. 

Acidic Foods 

Sodas, juice, citrus fruits, and vinegar can irritate the soft tissues in the mouth, making dryness feel more pronounced. Acidic foods are problematic for people who already suffer from dry mouth, because they lower the pH balance of your saliva. The more acidic your mouth gets, the more likely it is that you’ll develop gum disease or tooth decay. 

Sugary Foods 

We all know to limit sugar because it can be bad for our teeth. It can also lead to an imbalance in your saliva’s pH when consumed frequently. Many people report a feeling of dry mouth after eating excessive sugar. Opt for sugar-free candies – this can actually help a dry mouth when used appropriately. 

Does Caffeine Cause Dry Mouth?

Caffeinated drinks like coffee are popularly thought to be a culprit of causing dry mouth. Caffeine is a diuretic, so many think it could lead to a lack of saliva from urinating too often and becoming dehydrated. However, a study published in 2013 found that saliva production did not decrease after consumption of soft drinks. 

Now, we aren’t saying you can go ahead and make soda a regular habit! Any foods and drinks with sugar can promote bacterial growth in the mouth, and we all know that leads to cavities. Plus, the high acidity of drinks like coffee and soda can make dry mouth worse.

What Are the Worst Snacks for Dry Mouth?

      1. Chips, salted pretzels, and nuts 
      2. Dried fruits or candied fruits 
      3. Soda and coffee
      4. Candy, mints, or chewing gum
      5. Energy drinks or fruit juices with high sugar
      6. Crackers or dry toast


What Are the Best Snacks for Dry Mouth?

      1. Instead of chips and nuts try celery sticks or cucumber slices.
      2. Swap dried fruits for fresh ones like apples, pears, watermelons, and peaches.
      3. Sodas can be replaced with sugar-free alternatives or sparkling water.
      4. Sugar-free chewing gum can help stimulate saliva production, which is beneficial for your teeth.
      5. Green tea can be enjoyed for a little boost instead of energy drinks.
      6. Popsicles made from a mix of coconut water, fresh berries, and a pinch of sugar-alternative makes a refreshing snack that will relieve dry mouth.


Dental Care in Sun Lakes, Arizona

If you have dry mouth, it’s important to be careful about the things you eat and drink. Avoiding the worst snacks for dry mouth isn’t enough. It’s also essential that you go to all of your dental appointments. Your teeth and gums are extremely vulnerable to plaque buildup when you suffer from dry mouth. To prevent cavities and gum disease, you might even need more than two cleanings each year. 

Dr. Saba & Dr. Chiappetti Dental Associates perform thorough, gentle teeth cleanings for adults in the Sun Lakes community. We can also recommend treatments to relieve your dry mouth symptoms. Give us a call at 480-895-2111 today or request an appointment online. 




Image by Buono Del Tesoro from Pixabay on 11.8.2024 | used under the creative commons license – commercial use