oral health Tag

Did you know that what you eat has a direct effect on your oral health? For example, a diet high in acidic foods can damage your protective tooth enamel, slowly wearing it away. On the other hand, one that is rich in minerals like calcium,...

With cold and flu season in full swing this time of year, it’s crucial that you take extra care of your dental health. Being sick can cause dehydration and other problems that make your mouth more vulnerable to infections. Continuing to brush and floss your...

If you’ve never had a root canal before, it’s normal to have some concerns. But while root canal procedures have a reputation for being painful, that’s just a myth. Thanks to local anesthesia that numbs the tooth, you won’t feel a thing. Oftentimes, a root...

Many of us have to remind our kids, grandkids, and even ourselves that too much sugar will rot your teeth. While we all know that it’s bad for our dental health, what sugar actually does to our teeth isn’t as well known. If you’re having...

If you feel a sharp pain in your teeth when you drink a cold beverage or bite into a sweet treat, you may have a common dental problem called tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity occurs when the protective tooth enamel wears down, but there are many different...

Yellow teeth are a very common and frustrating problem. Because of the aging process, seniors are more likely to have yellow teeth, even if their teeth are otherwise healthy. If you’re concerned about the color of your teeth, understanding the causes of yellowing can help...